Our influencers have amassed millions of fans and are highly engaged with them on-air and on social media. Entravision has the most nationally syndicated radio shows targeting U.S. Hispanics under one network, and our audio influencers are original storytellers with mass reach and loyal audiences. In addition, our TV news anchors have become household names and are well-known public figures in their communities. They have built a reputation for delivering accurate and reliable news to the public making their recommendations more trustworthy in the eyes of their followers through their television broadcasts and social media presence. With the most followers and video views on social media platforms, our influencers take dynamic 360 branded campaigns to another level.

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Alex El Genio Lucas
Alex ''El Genio Lucas''
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Silvia del Valle "La Bronca"
Silvia del Valle "La Bronca"

Mayra Berenice
Mayra Berenice
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Jimena Aguilar
Jimena Aguilar
Hailing from Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico, Jimena Aguilar is a multi-talented host & on-air personality. In the midday daypart, Jimena dials up the energy & keeps you updated on the day’s stories. Her lifestyle show covers a broad range of trending topics with a big focus on popular entertainment news, ranging from artists to celebrities. She keeps it engaging with fans by giving personal shout outs and asking for their opinions on different topics that relate to everyone.

Edgar "Shoboy" Sotelo
Edgar "Shoboy" Sotelo
Edgar “Shoboy” Sotelo, a recipient of a Marconi Radio Award and a proven entertainer with over 10 years broadcasting experience, is joined by his crew, Rebecca “Becca” Guzman, and Eddie also known as “Cheekz” for every day pranks and laughs at The Shoboy Show.